Once you develop discolored patches on skin called melasma, removing them is a slow process. But they can be removed and you can get your young look again. As I had said in my another article, we get discoloration of the skin because of hormonal changes, sun rays and use of some photo toxic cosmetics. Let us now find out how to remove this discoloration.

Protect skin from sun-

Keep sun away as much as possible. Use a high SPF, preferably 30, sunscreen regularly. Wear a wide brimmed hat and keep yourself covered with proper clothing. Use big sunglasses that can also give shadow to part of cheeks.

Bleach the skin-

The next step is to use bleaches. You will get prescription bleaches as well as OTC. Consult your doctor about that. Hydroquinone is the most common bleach, but some countries don't allow its use as bleach. Use Kojic acid or Azelaic Acid bleaches in its place. Use products enriched with Vitamin A derivatives, Vitamin C an other anti oxidants and AHAs. AHAs will peel away the superficial coloration from the epidermis.

Skin Bleaching and precautions- Don?t use bleach after the color has returned to original. Don?t use bleach on normal skin otherwise it will bleach that part and make it look lighter.

C.D. Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have a blemish free young looking skin, please visit the anti aging section of - http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ If you love solving quizzes on personality, relationships and career, you can try hundreds of them at Fun Quiz Cards. For sending free animated flash ecards and greeting cards on topics such as holidays, birthday, love, friendship, family, expressions, celebrations, etc. please visit Free eCards website for a very large collection of free ecards.