Take Care Beauty

It is really important to have a healthy-looking skin because it sometimes serves as an outlet to what we really are. People would think that if you have a healthy skin, you take good care of yourself properly but if you have a skin as rough as a tree, then do not expect people would think nice about you.

Our skin is the largest organ of our body. And since it is on the external, scars from pimples and other wounds would be very visible.

Now, how would you feel if you have a blemish skin and somebody keeps on staring at you, teasing your skin? Would you be proud of your skin? Would you have the courage to stare back to that person?

Definitely the answer is no. If I we?re you I will possibly run and hide my skin so people will not say something negative about me. But if you have the kind of a skin that is soothing in the eye and wanted to be touch, then be proud. Let the people known how beautiful your skin is.

Now, if you want to have a more beautiful skin, here is a tip that will help you with the hundred percent guarantees:

1. Do not over due your skin with so many cosmetics. Different cosmetics, definitely contains different ingredients which is really not good for your skin. Stick with one line of products which are formulated to work together.

2. Take a 30-minute exercise. This will increase your blood flow, which brings more nutrients to the skin.

3. Eat healthy foods. What I mean with healthy are the fruits, vegetables and juices. Avoid too much fats and carbohydrates.

4. Cleanse after make up. Use a mild non-soap cleanser to remove your make up.

5. Pimple hands-free. Do not poke, prod, and pop your pimples. It might make your problem worst. It may cause scar and spreading of infection can also be possible.

6. Give yourself a break. Sleep for at least eight to nine hours.

7. Drink a lot of water. Drink at least six to eight ounces glasses of water everyday.

Now, if you are not contented with the above guidelines and doubted if it will really work for you, you can also try the following skin care tips. This tip is suitable for people with sensitive skin and to busy working people.

The simplest factor to a beautiful skin is to keep your skin clean. Find a good cleanser that will respond well to your skin and stick wit it. If possible avoid using soap as your cleanser. Splash yourself with lukewarm water. Do not use hot or cold water.

The most important in making your skin glow is to gently exfoliate it. If you have an oily skin or combination, you will need to exfoliate four to five times a week after you cleanse. But if you have a dry and sensitive skin. It is recommended that you exfoliate once or twice a week.

Use a moisturizer. It attracts moisture and draws it into the skin.

And lastly, apply sunscreen. The number one cause of wrinkles is sun damage. So, in order to avoid this use a sunscreen on your early years. Use one for night time and another in the morning which has UV protection.

The above guidelines and tips can be very helpful so please use it properly.

Remember, once you take care, nourish and pampered your skin, it will react in gratitude and an instant you will collect the benefits it will give you.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides skin care resources on http://www.just-skin-care.info

Dry Skin Remedy

By Unknown

If you are looking for a dry skin remedy, look no farther than your kitchen pantry. You can make a dry skin natural remedy just by combining common foods and applying them to the skin. Some foods act as an internal remedy for dry skin as well. Some of the ingredients that can be used in a home remedy for extremely dry skin are honey, yogurt, olive oil, and oatmeal. Some herb teas are useful, too, as are a variety of other fruits and seeds.

Honey, a dry skin natural remedy, is a substance that is healing to the skin. When applied to the skin it is healing and moisturizing. It helps dead skin cells move from the surface and stimulates renewal and regrowth of skin tissues. It is also antibacterial. In severe cases, you can put honey on skin that needs a bandage. It will keep the bandage from sticking to the wounded skin. Yogurt can be used as a skin cleanser, acting as a natural moisturizer. Oatmeal heals and soothes dry skin, and helps the skin to slough off dead skin cells.

Cold-pressed olive oil works as an emollient, which means it soothes and softens. It helps the itching of eczema, which is a itchy skin condition characterized by oozing lesions. Eczema is sometimes associated with dry skin but not always. Olive oil can also be used on the scalp as a remedy for extremely dry skin and hair. Not only can olive oil be used externally, it is also an internal remedy for dry skin, along with other healthy oils. If you suffer from dry skin, try adding some heathful oils to your diet. It doesn't take a lot, as oils are very high in calories. Nuts are full of beneficial oil, as are fatty fish, such as salmon and mackeral.

Certain herb teas work as an internal remedy for dry skin. Use one teaspoon of the dried herb to one cup of boiling water. Remove from heat and let steep for 5 minutes. Covering the cup with a saucer while it is steeping will keep the medicinal properties of the herb from evaporating away. Some herbs that are beneficial as an internal remedy for dry skin problems are marshmallow, dandelion, peppermint, calendula, borage, and chamomile.

Soap and body wash are drying to the skin. You can make an alternative to a bar of soap by tying oatmeal flour or in a cloth tea bag can be used instead of soap. For extra moisturizing, add a little almond meal and aloe vera gel.

The following home remedy for dry skin is a soothing facial mask that can be made from ingredients in your kitchen. Combine an egg yolk with a tablespoon of mayonnaise or yogurt and and another tablespoon of honey. If you use yogurt, add a 1/2 tsp. of almond oil. Apply to skin lightly and let it dry. Wash off gently with warm water. Another healing facial mask that is a remedy for extremely dry skin is to beat an egg and add oat flour to it. You can make oat flour by whizzing oatmeal around in the blender. Spread the mixture on your face and relax for 10 minutes before gently washing it away. Always treat your delicate dry skin with the utmost of care.

Here is an alphabetical list of botanicals (plant products) that have been found beneficial in creating a dry skin natural remedy (to be used on the surface of the skin): aloe vera, apple, apricot pulp, banana pulp, chamomile, comfrey root, coriander seed, elderflower, fennel seed, grape pulp, green tea leaf, honey, kefir, lavender flower, licorice root, mango pulp, marshmallow root, whole milk, oatmeal, rose petals, and yogurt. Add to these whole milk, either cow's or goat's, and the cultured milk products yogurt and kefir. Honey and egg yolk round out the kitchen pharmacy for dry skin solutions. If you wish to try creating your own dry skin solutions using these ingredients, please choose plant products that have not been sprayed with pesticides. Furthermore, don't gather wild herbs that grow near a busy highway. The plants will absorb the exhaust fumes from the traffic and might do more harm than good. If you use seeds, make a strong tea of them by boiling them gently for 10 minutes and then letting them steep for an hour.

Jerrick Foo has been researching and developing all dry skin care the purpose of offering men and women safe, dry skin care tips. He have created Dry Skin Care Guide to share his 10 years of combined expertise with you. Visit http://www.dry-skin-care-guide.com for essential skin care tips.

Many cosmetic companies are capitalizing on on our need to fight the signs of aging. Prices for these miracle concoctions can run as high as $200 for a cream! So what is in these small jars of hope and promise? Looking through the ingredients and deciphering the scientific names, you may discover that some of the ingredients are derived from fruits and vegetables that we regularly buy in the Produce section of our favorite grocer.

A simple fruit, grapes, has been used in anti-aging treatments as an antioxidant and a skin rejuvenator. Seed or Seedless? With Seeds! An added benefit is provided when you use the grapes with seeds. The seeds contain proanthocyanidin which is considered to be a very potent antioxidant. A study shows that grapeseeds can be a potent healer of the skin. In addition to being a potent healer, it also makes a wonderful skin softner as well as improving the skin's texture.

Want an easy way to put grape skin conditioning and healing properties to the test?

Open a white grape and rub the mashed grapes over your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 minutes or until dry and rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat daily. In a week or two, you may be hard pressed to find those tale-tell signs of aging when you consult with your mirror!

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health,herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. For more information visit Danielle's website http://www.wrapyourselfslim.com

Do you know what is anti aging? Aging takes place due to the development of the tissues and other elements in side the body. Growing and dying of cells is a natural phenomenon. Man has conquered ways to slow down the aging process. Anti aging is a process in which you can stay young for a long time. And anti aging skin care products are here to bail you out.

How Does It Work?

Anti aging methods can retard the aging process so that you can stay young and fit for a longer period. There are many types of anti aging treatment. One type is anti aging medicines that improve the skin texture and moisture of your body. The anti aging treatments can amplify your energy levels and they also work on your aging factors. The anti aging skin care products also help to re- shape the body by reducing the fat in your body. Nowadays people are interested in using natural anti aging treatment. A blend of protein rich (collagen) cream and the lively ingredients extracted from plants is a well-known natural anti aging skin care treatment that works perfectly on wrinkles that occur at your 30s. Both men and women are equally interested in this anti aging skin care treatment. But you should be able to carefully differentiate the treatments and know which one is suitable for you.

You Can Belief On Anti Aging Cosmetic Products!

There are separate anti aging treatments for every individual depending upon your physical condition and type of skin. If you abide by all the safety measures you will lead a very youthful life. Anti aging creams have become the widely used products among the cosmetic products used for anti aging. There are several types of anti aging creams; they are natural creams, artificial creams and the last important one is herbal cream. Some people normally prefer herbal products because they believe that herbal products will not give any side effects.

We have made the most comprehensive research to find the best anti aging skin care products. Find it only on the Anti-aging skin products and reviews resource. Find more anti aging info on http://www.leandernet.com

A business partner of mine had a conversation with a healthcare client which pointed out an intellectual conflict that I imagine is fairly common among medical practices and healthcare providers; The Business of Medicine Conflict.

Healthcare providers rightly feel that their primary purpose is the provision of medical services. Conflict however seems to arise from the idea that providing care is their only purpose and that attending to the details necessary to successfully provide this care, namely promotion and advertising of the practice, is not only unnecessary ? but actually contrary to the ideals of practicing medicine.

Healthcare providers operate on a classic fee-for-service business model, however it can distasteful to some physicians to view their ?care? as a ?business?.

This fundamental business/medicine conflict underlies poor business and marketing decisions that negatively impact the success many healthcare practices:

* No Advertising ? ?We provide excellent care ? people find us by word of mouth.?
* Insufficient Marketing Budget ? ?Advertising cuts into our bottom line.?
* Weak Practice Branding ? ?I?m a physician, not a product.?

From an emotional viewpoint these statements are understandable ? they stem from a common desire by the physician to view their work as something unique that should be recognized on it?s own merits. The pragmatic reality however is that medical care almost entirely a commoditized service; outside of instances of medical malpractice, there is very little to differentiate one physician?s care versus any other?s.

In the end a patient?s choice of one physician over another often comes down to a name in the phonebook, the results of an online search, or personal recommendations from friends and family. It is the patient?s perception of the healthcare provider that governs their decision.

Based on experiences with the coercive tactics of pharmaceutical companies, it?s perhaps not surprising that many physicians view advertising as distasteful. Advertising however takes many forms and there is an important distinction to be made between manipulating public perception and simply publicizing an honest and useful service.

Marshall Clark is Founder and Principal Consultant of FirstRanked Healthcare (http://www.firstranked.com) - a privately owned healthcare marketing agency specializing in search engine marketing strategies for pharmaceutical, medical device, and medical provider markets.

Myth: If You Leave Your Acne Alone, You?ll Outgrow It

This is absolutely untrue. If you acne outbreak, it is important to treat it as early as possible. Leaving it alone can often make matter worse. And if it does get worse, it can create permanent scars which not just affect your physical look but also your emotion feeling about yourself.

Myth: Acne Is Caused by Eating Oily Food, Chocolate or Caffeine

There is no strong medical evident that certain type of food or diet result in acne. However if you notice that certain kind of food consistently cause you to suffer from acne outbreak, it is best that you avoid them. For example, some people are very sensitive to food with high iodine content such as shellfish, dried fish and seaweed which result in flare-up. There are some studies theorize that hormones in chicken, beef and dairy products may cause early adolescent acne but that has yet to be proven. However if you have concerned, then you may want to substitute other sources of protein and calcium for these products or try hormone-free organic version of them.

Myth: Acne Is Seasonal

Acne is not a seasonal skin problem. You can suffer from acne outbreak during any time of the year. However temperature and humidity may increase the oil production of your skin and hence result in acne.

Myth: Sunscreen Causes Acne

A heavy and occlusive sunscreen can attract and hold on to heat in your follicles which can result in skin inflammation and causing numerous small red bumps to form. However this reaction is not true acne but a condition known as miliaria. A good non-comedogenic sunscreen will not result in acne.

Sun screen is a very important prevention measure against skin cancer. Hence we will never advice you not to use it. In fact, you should always apply sunscreen to your skin when you need to go under the sun. For people will acne-prone skin, we?ll recommend that they use oil-free non-comodegenic sunscreen.

One important thing to note - Acne medicine such as benzoyl peroxide Rein-A and salicylic acid may increase your skin sensitivity to the sunlight. Hence if you use these medicines, it is very important that you apply sunscreen before you leave the house.

Myth: Drinking Lots of Water Will Wash Away Acne

Although drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water each day is essential for a healthy body, there is no evidence that drinking water alone will wash away acne. While water alone will not eliminate acne, it will greatly assist your skin in remaining healthy and that will be one portion of the pie in fighting acne.

Myth: Sun Exposure Help To Heal Your Acne

With the increasing use of blue light by some dermatologist in treating acne, some people start to believe that sun exposure helps to heal their acne. A small amount of sunlight may appear to help your acne initially as breakout temporary dry up and your new tan help to cover up the red blemishes. However prolonged sun exposure will increase the plugging of your pores, producing blackheads and whiteheads and not forgetting the increase in risk of skin cancer.

Myth: Acne Is Caused By Not Washing Your Face Regularly Acne is not caused by dirt or uncleanliness. In fact, if you wash your face too often or rub it with alcohol to help you get rid of excess oil and to feel clean, that in fact will stimulate more oil production. Washing your face twice a day is usually good enough to get rid of dirt and bacteria on your skin.

Myth: Blue Light Therapy Can Cure Acne

Many dermatologist are using blue light wave in treating acne today. Blue light works by sterilizing the skin for a short period of time, removing acne bacteria and temporary improve acne when used with traditional topical acne medication.

However it is still too early at the moment to tell whether blue light therapy is in fact helpful and whether its long term benefit out weigh the expenses and frequently visits for the therapy. Will have to wait and see as studies on it effectiveness as studies are still on going.

Alvin Poh shares more ideas and articles like this on the very popular website Ask About Acne at http://www.askaboutacne.com

If you want to turn back the hands of time, defy the signs of aging and look forever young, then science just may have a powerful weapon for you to use in your quest for younger, healthy, and wrinkle free skin. This amazing discovery is called Matrixyl and the results of its clinical studies have been so successful that they have scientists saying that it will give Botox injections a run for their money when it comes to fighting wrinkles.

Matrixyl the trademark for palmitoyl pentapeptide ? 3 is an amino peptide complex that stimulates the lower layers of the skin increasing the production of collagen. Matrixyl first came to the notice of the world in 2002 when the results of a four month French study involving women ages 34 to 72 were presented to the World congress of Dermatology. The results of the study reviled topical application of non ? prescription Matrixyl :

?Significantly reduced deep and moderate wrinkles with 68% reduction of deep wrinkles and a 51 % reduction of moderate wrinkles

?Improvement in the appearance of age spots, dark circles under the eyes and skin firmness.

?Improvement in the appearance of photo ? aged skin.

?Decreases in facial lines.

Women who had used Matrixyl throughout the study experienced dramatic results as quickly as 2 months and did not experience the irritation or inflammation associated with other age defying skin care ingredients. The results of this study has been confirmed by other separate studies that also showed positive changes in elastin, collagen and skin firmness as well as a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.

For those who want a non surgical solution to fighting the signs of aging Matrixyl is the answer they have been searching for.

Eileen Hammel is a Nationally & Internationally Recognized Image, Style and Beauty Expert Ms.Hammel is President of Smarter Image, Smart Skin Care - Smart Cosmetics by Smarter Image and Smart Grooming By Smarter Image. http://www.smartskincaresmartcosmetics.com/

Diet is very important when you are experiencing an oily skin condition. If you eat a lot of refined carbohydrates and sugar they will create more insulin that produce more hormones, which will create more sebum (oil), and in turn, will create more bacteria and more acne. You have probably heard refined sugar, especially excess sugar, is not good for you. Remember the barometer, (more about the ?Skin Barometer? in my book) if you have too much of it, it will tell you that you are doing bad things to yourself. The average person eats over 150 pounds of sugar a year. Refined Carbohydrates you want to avoid come in many forms.

When you eat refined carbohydrates they get digested and your body turns them into sugar. You do not need to add a lot of refined sugar to your diet, your body will produce what it needs naturally.

Eat foods that have the nutrients your body wants, have your body love you, not hate you. If your body hates you, you will definitely know by the way you feel after you eat something!

You need a healthy balance from the inside out to have amazing skin. What you want to do is nourish your skin, by eating well and choosing quality foods. By doing this, you could quite possibly take years off of your looks and add years to your life. I want to share with you why it is so important to choose the proper foods to nourish the skin. By eating the proper foods, it will increase your chances of succeeding. The choice is really up to you.

I discuss the importance of safe, pure and natural skin care products. I will teach you what to look for and how to read the labels of your skin care products. I also recommend an eating well diet to have healthy skin from the inside out. After reading my book you will be well on your way to beautiful skin and a natural state of well being.

Although acne is traditionally thought of as a disorder of the teenage years, long after those years have passed and the acne condition has faded, many adults are left with facial scarring from acne they had years earlier. Thanks to modern medical advancements, there are very effective treatments available today to treat acne scarring.

Acne is a disease that often leaves scars behind. There are several different kinds of acne scars. Pitting scars are commonly known as ice pick scars. The more crater-like scars are known as depressed scars. In addition, changes in the color of the skin can also occur at the site of previous acne lesions. The skin can end up darker than normal, lighter than normal, or redder than normal.

For a single ice pick scar, the most effective treatment is simple excision. However, when the scarring is more widespread, other methods must be used to treat the scars. Dermabrasion was one of the first methods developed for treating acne scars, and it is still used today. With dermabrasion, a rotating wire brush or a spinning diamond burr is used to smooth down the surface of the skin. As the skin heals, a new layer of skin replaces the abraded skin, resulting in an improved appearance in the treated area. However, dermabrasion can require 10-20 days to heal, and may result in redness that can persist for several months. For these reasons, other methods were developed that have quicker recoveries and fewer side effects.

We are now using the Fraxel laser for acne scarring. We believe that the Fraxel laser is the best modality available today for treating more generalized acne scarring. With the Fraxel, the facial skin is resurfaced over a series of 4 or 5 treatments. Because the Fraxel laser preserves normal healthy skin between the areas of skin that the laser has treated, healing and recovery occur more quickly after each laser treatment.

We have been extremely impressed by the improvement in acne scarring after Fraxel laser treatment. The Fraxel laser is a home run when it comes to the treatment of acne scarring.

Our patients who have acne scarring are invited to call our office and make an appointment to have their scarring evaluated. In addition to scar excision, dermabrasion, and Fraxel laser resurfacing, other treatments for acne scarring are also available. Thanks to the development of a number of different techniques, acne scars can be treated with a variety of safe and effective procedures that improve the appearance of a patient's skin. With all of the modalities available today for treating acne scarring, no one should ever have to live with their acne scars.

Dr. Mary Lee Amerian is consistently voted one of the top dermatologists and skin care specialists in Los Angeles and is a frequent contributor to many health and wellness publications across the U.S. Dr. Amerian has also been voted by her peers as one of the Best Doctors in America consecutively since 1996. She currently teaches at UCLA where she holds the title of Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine.

Dr. Amerian has been featured on the cover of the Health section of the Los Angeles Times for her work on the VelaSmooth device for the treatment of cellulite. Dr. Amerian recently completed filming her second season of shows for the television show, Ten Years Younger, which can be seen on The Learning Channel. Dr. Amerian uses all of the modern techniques of non-surgical facial rejuvenation on this show. By using the Fraxel laser, Vbeam laser, Thermage, Botox, and fillers such as Restylane, Collagen, and Sculptra, Dr. Amerian's patients have indeed looked Ten Years Younger, and without any surgery.

What's In a Name?

By Unknown

For some time the term herbal medicine has been used to indicate natural forms of medicine given to patients who prefer to use natural forms of treatment rather than taking synthetic drug-type prescriptions manufactured by pharmaceutical companies.

Herbal medicine is the oldest form of medicine and is still used today all over the world as a primary form of treatment in the management of disease. Unlike Western herbal medicine, Chinese medicine does not focus on deriving medicinal compounds from plants only. As has been widely publicized in the media of late, Chinese medicine makes use of animal parts, and in the case of Bear-bile, it utilizes bodily fluids.

I am not about to start a discussion on the rights and wrongs of this, rather, I am thinking about the overly simplistic term 'Herbal medicine' that is used to refer to substances that are strictly speaking not herbal. For example trees, grains, minerals and vitamins. While they are usually part of the chemical composition of plants, they are not as such herbs. Herbs are herbaceous plants that are often seen as weeds. So, they are definitely not trees, or grains.

In a Forum on natural skin care, alternative medicine and aromatherapy I've come across recently, the moderator suggests using the term 'Botanicals', as it is more encompassing and includes trees, grains and non-herbaceous plant parts, as well as indicating that the substances referred to as Botanicals are of natural origin.

The term 'Botanicals' also contains the idea of herbal, but is less limiting. Botanicals also indicates natural and has possibly a slightly more 'medical' sense to it... Pharmaceuticals, Botanicals? I don't know, but they sound somewhat similar and provide the information that people are looking for. Pharmaceutical: made by pharmaceutical companies - Botanical: made by nature... What do you think?

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter ? it?s fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care.

? Wildcrafted Herbal Products 2006

The Good Earth

By Unknown

Elements from Mother Nature have been a part of beauty regimens for centuries and she continues to provide us a bounty of hydration, antioxidants and emollients ingredients. There is Evening Primrose Oil, considered the ?King?s Cure-all?, reputed for its healing powers in a wide range of ailments. Its secret is its essential fatty acid GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid).

Then we have glycerin, a natural moisture magnet found in natural soaps. Glycerin helps to attract and draw moisture from the air into the skin. Jojoba and almond oils also offer deep hydration to the skin.

Mimicking the lipid content of skin ingredients are canola oil, coconut oil, corn oil, jojoba oil, lecithin, olive oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, and sweet almond oil, which can all be extremely helpful for your skin.

Natural skin care formulations maximize the therapeutic values of natural and organic ingredients. And, each ingredient provides its own distinctive properties from nourishment, rejuvenation, anti-inflammatory to repairing the skin. As a result, natural skin care products deliver penetrating holistic benefits to the skin and usually without side effects.

Mother Nature?s Version to Anti-aging
There is an array of anti aging supplements that can help to eliminate the signs of aging and when blended together create skin rejuvenation nutrients. For example, you will find antioxidants benefits in natural skin care product containing Grape seed Extract, Olive Oil and Green Tea.

Plus, antioxidants such as vitamin E act to protect your cells against the effects of free radicals, which can be found in green leafy vegetables, and fortified cereals. Of course, there are excellent natural skin care products that offer an antioxidant blend of Ester C (Vitamin C), Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Alpha Lipoic Acid.

Wonderful food-grade carrier oils are light, non-sticky and allow for quicker absorption. Carrier oils facilitate the penetration of essential oils into the body. They are rich in natural fatty acids and can contain a number of vitamins including A and E which help keep the skin supple, regenerated and nourished.

She Offers You Younger Looking Skin
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) help to give the skin a younger look. AHAs consist of several acids that gently exfoliate dead surface skin cells, exposing smoother, younger-looking skin. These acids include citric acid, glycolic acid, and lactic acid. Look for from naturally-occurring substances derived from citrus fruits, sugar cane and sour milk.

Take advantage of old fashioned facial clay masks made from fruit, honey or yogurt, these ingredients also provide AHAs as their active ingredients.

Old Mother Earth
Autumn?s harvest makes it a good time to promote the importance of protecting the Earth's resources. It is also a time to celebrate autumns? beauty and the fruits of the past year. Take care of this earth and your earth will provide for you tenfold. Because the qualities of the soil, climate, and source of the raw materials all have an effect on the final product?, you!

Cecilia loves skin care products. So, it?s no surprise that she co-created A Natural Perspective to be ?The Place? for Canadian-made 100% natural, holistic skin and health care products. A Natural Perspective is a resource for the busy consumer who wants quality skin care. This site also serves high-end retailers and spa centers that look to offer signature and quality skin care products.

Now that the holiday season is here, holiday foods and meals take center stage. And this is as it should be. Food is a terrific celebration of friendships, of family and of love. These celebrations do not have to lead you to unhealthy eating habits. With a little advance planning, you can really enjoy your food and the holidays. Remember that the mental attitude you bring to the table is as important as what?s on the table.

1.Plan Ahead. Without thinking about what is likely to be served, the best intentions fall by the wayside faster than you can shake a drumstick. If you absolutely cannot pass up the cornbread or cinnamon buns warm from the oven or Aunt Fay?s amazing apple cake, then you need to decide what and how much you will eat so someone does not have to roll you out. If you?re going to eat the apple cake that?s fine, but remember to eat fewer quiche and pastry puff appetizers when you arrive and to pace yourself throughout the meal.

2.Strategize. So if you?re not eating puff pastry appetizers, what are you going to eat? If you?re going to someone?s house for the holidays or if it?s in your home, serve something that is good to eat like a salad, lots of vegetables and maybe shrimp cocktails and take larger portions of those and smaller portions of the rest of the meal. Eat your vegetables first. They?ll fill you up, leaving less room for the more calorie-packed stuffing, mashed potatoes and pie.

3.Relationships first, food second. Yes, the holidays have wonderful foods ? everywhere. But the reason you?re gathered together with relatives and friends, rather than eating alone is to be in contact with people. Focus on the people and what you?re doing instead of strategizing how to get those last potato puffs before Aunt Harriet does. Let Aunt Harriet have it. Besides, if her mouth is full, it will keep her from gossiping and give you the opportunity to connect with people you care about.

4.Eat small meals throughout the day. Do not make the mistake many people do of eating virtually nothing during the day to ?save? extra calories for the big meal. You?ll end up hungry and eat things you don?t particularly like. Eat high-fiber mini meals for breakfast and lunch with snack (think whole fruit) in between to prevent an all-out binge.

5.Slow down. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register fullness. Put down your fork and talk to your neighbor.

6.Water, Water, Water. We often eat, when we are really thirsty. Drink water before, during and after the meal so you are well hydrated.

7.?Let?s toast the Holidays!? Although it is important to drink liquids, alcohol dehydrates you, acts as an aperitif and loosens your resolve to eat healthfully. Calories really add up ? and not just from the alcohol. Studies show that when we drink, we eat almost 20% more than our teetotaling friends. For an easy option, consider a wine spritzer or save the first toast for when the turkey is served, and sip four ounces instead of the usual eight.

8.Go for a walk. Instead of watching football on the couch all afternoon ? eating the chips and dips during time outs ? why don?t you gather everyone for a long walk? Taking a 45-minute walk could use up almost 250 calories. This is a wonderful holiday tradition you could start. If nothing else, you?re not home eating the leftovers.

9.Talk kindly to yourself. Banish the mantra, ?I always gain weight over the holidays.? Instead say to yourself, ?I am giving myself the gift of health. I can eat and enjoy any food I want in moderation.? Or as diet Dr. Gullo says, ?Thin tastes better.?

10. Enjoy the season of celebration. Remember the holidays are about coming from a place of gratitude. Now especially this year, we have a lot to be grateful for. Treat yourself well with friends, with loved ones and yes, with foods.

Helene Haber, HHC is a board certified health counselor who specializes in nutrition and whole health. She designs personalized wellness solutions for women of all ages looking to enhance their lives, get their bodies back in shape and their health back on track. I invite you to contact me at TopCatHelene@aol.com.

Hair Care Professional- Breaking One In

Beauty Salon- It is so important for us to find the right beauty salon so that we can have the right look at the right time. However, there are certain things that beauty salon owners don't want you to know.

According to the September 13, 2005 issue of the LA Times, soon after Hurricane Katrina passed through the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama beauty salons with power and water reopened. Women who had lost EVERYTHING flocked to those open beauty salons. They wanted to look good even though they did not have a place to live. They wanted and needed professional hair care.

This fact alone confirms your intuition about the absolute necessity of finding the right beauty salon. This holds true for a beauty salon Santa Monica, or a beauty salon Long Beach, Mississippi.

Let me give you some general guidelines and tips to use when you are looking for a new beauty salon. I will also include some helpful suggestions about how to deal with your hair stylist.

1. How far is the beauty salon from your home or work? Is it convenient to either or both?

2. Telephone the salon. Ask if their hair care stylists have experience with your type of hair. For example, is your hair long, curly, textured or exposed to frequent changes to hair color, heat and the elements?

3. Search the Internet for reviews of beauty salons in your work or home zip codes.

4. It seems obvious, but it's crucial: Who do you know whose hair looks fabulous? Ask them where (and to whom) they go.

5. When you get to the beauty salon what does the atmosphere FEEL like to you? Is it peaceful or stressful? Which do you prefer?

6. Are you greeted right away or are you forced to wander around or ?twiddle your thumbs? until someone attends to you?

7. If you've made an appointment is it kept?

8. Is the beauty salon clean and well organized? Does everything seem to be in its place?

9. How is the staff dressed? Are they dressed appropriately to your taste?

10. What does the hair of the staff look like to you? Is the hair of the staff professionally done or is it sloppy?

Ok, you've decided that the beauty salon environment is satisfactory, now how do you deal with the hair stylist?

11. Collect and bring pictures that are appropriate for your type of hair. The biggest beauty salon hair disasters occur when your hair stylist doesn't understand what you want. Pictures help convey your message.

12. Don't immediately go for a cut, take it slower. Book a blow-dry with your selected stylist. Ask, if you were to cut my hair, how would you do it? Once you've set aside the time for a real consultation, here are some key questions to ask yourself as you talk to your stylist:

? DO YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE with the hair care stylist? You should like his or her sense of style. This means clothing, grooming, personality, everything.

? IS THE STYLIST ASKING YOU questions, giving ideas and suggestions that relate to your personality, rather than pointing to a style on the wall or in a book?

? IS THE HAIR CARE STYLIST ADDRESSING the health of your hair, not just proposing to cut off split ends? The two of you should be talking about conditioners and rinses that enhance shine and bounce, and special treatments that can prevent or repair damage done by the environment, such as pollution, sun, chlorine, humidity, or dry air.

? ONCE YOU'VE AGREED ON A LOOK, does the stylist preview how you'll need to blow it dry, wash it, and maintain it? These are all things to think about before actually getting the cut.

If you can answer most of the questions to your satisfaction, then you've probably found a beauty salon and a hair stylist that will make you look fabulous. If you cannot, then move on to the next beauty salon on your list.

Take the above tips with you when you come to Next Salon in Santa Monica, CA. We think that you'll find that you came to the right beauty salon.

Noori Daili specializes in making women and men look luscious and desirable. She is the founder and owner of Next Salon at 2400 Main Street in Santa Monica, California 90405. Call now at 310-392-6645 and mention this article for a 10% savings on hair service appointments. For more info go to the beauty salon website. Online appointments are welcome.

Coverage for the New Medicare Prescription Drug Plan begins on January 1, 2006. Many seniors are feeling confused and concerned about this plan. Here are some of the pitfalls associated with this plan that Medicare eligible individuals will want to be aware of.

1.To join the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Medicare Part D) you must choose one Prescription Drug Plan from dozens of plans that are available (there are up to 50 plans in some states). Once you have chosen a plan you are ?locked-in? until the enrollment period the following year.

2.Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) providers can change the particulars of their plans at any time with a short warning period for plan enrollees. These changes can include changes to which drugs are covered under the plan, which pharmacies are in the plans network, the charges associated with being a part of the plan and any other detail of the plan. These changes are at the discretion of the plan administrator and can be implemented at any time.

3.For 2006, once you have used $2250 worth of medications, you are 100% responsible for paying for the full amount of the drug until you reach the $5100 Catastrophic coverage limit. This range between $2250 and $5100 where you have to pay for 100% of your drug expenditures is known as the ?donut hole?.

4.At its greatest level of savings Medicare provides a 49% savings. This is only 7% better than the average savings experienced with a licensed Canadian pharmacy. This greatest savings occurs when people spend exactly $2250 on medication in one year (if you spend more or less than that the savings go down). That means that the greatest savings anyone on Medicare can experience above a Canadian pharmacy?s average savings is $157.50 annually (7% of $2250) or $13.13 a month. Is $13 a month worth the risk of being ?locked-in? to paying monthly premiums for a plan that can be switched on you at any time. (Note: Some people can save more than 49% if they spend well over $7100 per year. This is in the catastrophic coverage range).

5.If you do not sign up with at Medicare Prescription Drug Plan before May 15th, 2006 then you will be penalized with a cumulative 1% increase to your premiums for every month that you do not enroll in a plan after that date. This penalty is the governments way of forcing people, who do not really need a drug plan, into joining a plan and thus ?subsidizing? the Medicare program. 1% of the average plan is 32 cents. So for every month after March 15th, 2006 that people are not in a plan, 32 cents will be added to your monthly premium or basically $1 for every 3 months you do not join. This penalty is however applied to your premium for all future monthly premiums. What many seniors groups are advocating is for people to wait until the May 15th, 2006 deadline and then join the cheapest possible plan (approx. $10 monthly premium) and still order medicines from a licensed Canadian pharmacy like Universal Drugstore.

6.Average monthly premiums, the annual deductible and the Out-Of-Pocket expenditure limits are expected to increase substantially every year. This means you will be required to spend more and more money every year that you are part of the Medicare prescription plan.

7.Unless you are spending more than $800 on medications in 2006 there is no real savings with the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. This required minimum amount of expenditure to experience savings will increase every year as the annual deductible, the monthly premiums and the Out-Of-Pocket expenditure limits are also increased every year.

8.It will be extremely time consuming and difficult to decipher myriad plans available in each state (all providing different coverage) and to try and figure out which plan is best for you personally. This will be twice as hard for a couple as the prescription drugs used by each person in the couple will be different and therefore they may require different plans. Even once a plan is chosen, there is still the risk of having the plan changed once you have made your decision and you are ?locked-in?.

9.Drug companies stand to make a ton of money off of the Medicare program. That is why they spent millions of dollars lobbying to get the legislation passed to make Medicare Part D a reality. It is also why Senator Bill Tauzin, a major advocate and motivating force behind getting the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan passed, is now a $2 million a year executive in Big Pharma?s trade organization. On Sept. 5, 2003, Sen. John R. McCain (R-Ariz.) told the New York Times, There's no doubt in my mind that the drug industry got everything it wanted and more, he said. It perhaps should be called the 'Leave-No-Lobbyist-Behind Bill.'

10.Plan providers have the ability to negotiate better drug pricing with the drug companies but they do not have to pass the savings on to the consumer or the government.

11.If you join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) at any time after Dec 31, 2005 your coverage is not available to you until the first day of the following month.

12.Action is required to enroll in Medicare Part D (the Prescription Drug Plan part) unlike Medicare parts A and B which are automatic. You are not simply enrolled in the best plan for you. You have to wade through piles of information to decide what is best for you.

13.It is very difficult for persons who qualify for Medicare Part D to be sure if their drugs will be covered under their plans formulary (which can change at any time anyways.) A formulary is a list of drugs covered under particular drug plan.

14.You may not qualify for Medicare Prescription Drug Benefits if your annual income is too high or if you own too many assets.

15.Different plans will have different monthly premiums. The plan you need may have a really high monthly premium. $32.20 is simply the ?predicted? average monthly premium.

16.Will your plan cover temporary-use medications (such as antibiotics or heartburn medications) or only chronic medications (such as drugs used for diabetes or heart conditions)?

17.Plans with lower monthly premiums may have higher deductibles and co-pays.

18.Payments for drugs which are not on your plans formulary are not counted towards your Out-Of-Pocket expenditure limit.

19.Payments made by insurance plans do not count towards your Out-Of-Pocket expenditure limit

20.Is your regular pharmacy included in your plans network of pharmacies? Like many people you have most likely come to rely on a pharmacist that knows you and your medical conditions well. However, you may be forced to go to another pharmacy if your pharmacy is not included in your plans network of pharmacies.

21.How many days of medicine can you get at one time? Do you need to keep going back to the pharmacy every month or can you get 90 days?

22.Will your drug be covered by your plan the next time you go into your pharmacy?

23.Does your plan require step-up therapy or prior authorization? Step-up therapy means using drugs in a series of stages or steps in order to treat your condition. For example if you have GERD your plan may not cover Nexium unless you have previously tried ranitidine (Zantac) and/or omeprazole (Prilosec) first. Prior Authorization means that for certain drugs, your plan will not cover the drug without first reviewing your medical and drug history to determine if your treatment steps have been appropriate.

24.The Prescription Drug Plan providers stand to make a ton of money from the Medicare program (drug companies stand to make the biggest windfall).

25.Net cost to the government for Medicare Prescription Drug Benefits is estimated to go from $37.4 Billion in 2006 to $109.2 Billion in 2015 (estimate by Health and Human Services department). However, much higher estimates of the costs of Medicare Part D can also be found from non-government resources. Two years ago Congress reluctantly approved for the plan at a cost of no more than $395 billion dollars over 10 years. A few months later the cost ballooned to $534 billion and earlier this year it shot to $795 billion. Big Pharma is the biggest recipients of the increased dollars added to the costs of this program.

26.Plan may force you to use generics when you are used brand name medications and may not be able to tolerate generic versions.

27.The appeals process for some plans is very confusing and convoluted. (You can appeal to your plan if your drug is not covered.)

28.Many of the big pharmaceutical companies are now making anyone eligible for Medicare Part D, ineligible for their assistance programs. These companies are effectively forcing seniors into a ?voluntary? program that may not be right for them. The AstraZeneca Foundation was the first to take such steps.

29.Many people are finding it difficult to obtain accurate, updated lists of what medications each plan will cover.

30.Medicare?s own hotline can only answer general questions. For more specific questions you must contact each individual insurance provider.

31.Many people have waited 30 minutes or more when calling the Medicare hotline to get information that they need.

32.Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) in a 60 Minutes segment televised March 14, 2004 said, ?Seniors, when they find out what's in that bill, are going to be very angry. The problem is, they're not going to find out about it until after this next election.

Jeremy Cockerill is a licensed Canadian pharmacist who owns and operates htttp://www.UniversalDrugstore.com/ , one of the top Canadian mail-order pharmacies. Mr. Cockerill graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Manitoba with Honors in 1998. Mr. Cockerill recently won the 2005 Manager of the Year award from the Manitoba Customer Contact Association. Mr. Cockerill has been studying the new Medicare Prescription Drug plan since early 2005.

Over the past centuries, remains of many hundreds of people-- men, women, and children--have come to light in peat bogs in northwestern Europe, especially in Ireland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, northern Germany, and Denmark. Peatlands are most extensive in northern regions. They develop where drainage of water is blocked, precipitation is retained, and decomposition of organic matter is slowed. Because of their highly acidic nature, wetness, low temperature, and absence of oxygen, northern bogs have become a repository of past life.

The bog people are amazingly well-preserved with fingernails, hair, and teeth in excellent condition. How is this possible when the dates range from 8000 B.C. to the early medieval times?

The peat (Moor Peat) contained in the bogs has amazing preserving properties which contribute to its ability to both combat aging and enhance health. Peat has excellent moisture- retaining qualities which improves skin elasticity.

When peat is applied to the skin, penetrates partially between the epidermis cells of the skin. A, producing an exchange reaction of ions is produced when the binding process with albumin in the skin occurs. The harmful positive ions in the skin tissues are exchanged for the rejuvenating negative ions in the moor peat. These particles are captured by the blood vessels in the system, carried throughout the body to help healing.

The rejuvenating benefits can be attributed to the abundance of essential oils, fatty acids and lipoids. These penetrate into the skin re-establishing the skin's natural pH balance. When you apply the moor peat to your skin, the increased flow of blood to the skin can be seen by the flush of color seen on the skin when the peat is rinsed off. This characteristic of Moor Peat makes it most effective as an addition to any anti-aging and beauty treatment for the skin.

The soluble organic and inorganic active ingredients leave the skin detoxified, purified, and toned. It's naturally hypoallergenic and powerful and yet gentle.

The anti-inflammatory, bactericidal astringent and its bioavailability properties of Moor Peat make it an excellent skin treatment both for healthy and problem skin.

It has been found to be helpful in treating acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, scars, stretch marks, and cellulite.

For Cellulite, an inflammation of the subcutaneous tissues caused by a build up of toxins, poor blood circulation and fluid retention due to weak lymphatic flow, Moor Peat improves both the inflammation and its causes, making it an excellent treatment for cellulite and an aid to weight loss.

In fine spas Moor Peat (or Moor Mud) is regularly used as bath, body wrap, and facial treatments. Cost for these treatments can be as high as $150 for a body wrap, $100 for a bath, and $85 for a mud mask or facial mask. These spa treatments can be done successfully at home for fraction of the cost by purchasing fine quality Moor Peat from a quality supplier such as Moor Mud Baths (http://www.moormudbaths.com).

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. For more information visit Danielle's website http://www.wrapyourselfslim.com

The end of winter, no more short, cold and dark days. Spring is finally here and summer is fast approaching. Hot days and lots of sunshine. But not all fun and sun. The hot sun can pose a great danger for our skin and our children?s skin. In fact, one of the most important factors for feeling young and healthy is the way we take care of our skin during the summer months.

Over the last century, ever-increasing rates of skin cancer have taken some of the greatest tolls on all age groups, young and old. Yet most people don?t realize that skin cancer is a very preventable form of skin cancer, and, that if recognized early enough, is very treatable. The simple fact is, if we take care of our skin during the summer, we can dramatically reduce the chances of ever getting skin cancer in the first place. The chance of getting skin cancer is directly related to the amount of sunlight we expose our skin to, especially during the summer. Furthermore, it has been shown that going to the solarium on a regular basis is also a risk for the development of skin cancer.

Overexposure to UV A and B light from the sun and the solarium damages skin cells. UV A light in spite of its lower energy, is received by the body in much larger doses, and penetrates into the skin easily causing damage. UV light mainly affects the skin and underlying connective tissues by decreasing the quantities of collagen and elastic fibers present in these tissues. With passing time, the skin becomes more wrinkled and flaccid. One of the most important factors in the pathogenesis of cancer is the fact that the absorbed UV light breaks down water molecules and induces the formation of free-oxygen radicals, which are toxic to certain elements of the skin.

For those of us who have a light or very fair complexion, (type I skin tone) avoidance of the sun and solarium as much as possible is recommended. The rest of us should adjust the amount of sun (UV light) exposure to our proper skin tones.

The reason its important to know what type of skin tone you have is because the lighter the skin, the less it is capable of dealing with the damaging elements of the sunlight and thus, more the skin needs to be protected.

It?s not difficult to determine what your skin type is. There are six types and by using the scale below, you can determine for yourself how much skin protection you may need.

Skin type I never turns brown, only burns.
Skin type II browns very slowly and easily burns.
Skin type III browns easily and rarely burns.
Skin type IV is typical of that of southern Europeans (Mediterranean type).
Skin type V is slightly pigmented similar to those living in India.
Skin type VI is black.

If you fall into either of the first two categories, your skin must be protected at all times from the dangerous effects of the sun!!!!!

Skin cancer can be broken down into Melanoma- and non-Melanoma types. The latter consists of both squamous cell- and basal cell skin cancer. Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. The proliferation of pigmented skin cells anywhere in the body can, if not diagnosed and treated early, cause death. The frequency of Melanoma around the world is increasing at very rapid rates!!

Squamous cell type of skin cancer is also a malignant form of skin cancer that is directly related to the amount of sun exposure and can quickly spread to other parts of the body.

Basal cell type skin cancer is not malignant and thus wont spread to other parts of the body. However, there is local destruction of the affected skin areas and thus excision of the lesion is a must.

Well, you may ask how do I protect myself from the dangers of the skin cancer? The answers may not be as difficult to follow as you may think. First and foremost, always protect skin of young children and kids. Their skins are sensitive to sun exposure and burning the skin only increases the risk in later years of developing cancer. It is important to remember that the many years of continuous sun exposure increase the chance of getting skin cancer. In other words, the skin doesn?t forget!! Sporadic sun exposure is more than enough to guarantee a nice brown skin color and the proper production of vitamin D in the body.

If someone wants to get a quick tan, than be sure to use self-browning creams, but remember, they wont protect your skin from sun overexposure and burning. Carotin derivative products have been shown to protect the skin from within and in general have an anti-cancer effect.

During the hot months, a good rule of thumb is to avoid strong sun exposure in the middle of the day, say between 2 and 3 pm, when the sun is hottest. Try to stay in the shade as much as possible and when going into the sun, put on a hat, sunglasses and a shirt just to be sure. Sun tanning protective creams are also a must. A wide spectrum UV protection and a minimum factor of 15 should be applied to the skin at all times for maximum protection. But remember, the best protection from skin cancer is to avoid the exposure to the skin.

Finally, and equally important, is that we recognize on ourselves any first signs of potential cancer. Especially be aware of any small wounds or scars on the skin that don?t seem to heal after a month or so. Be aware of skin moles that suddenly begin to itch, bleed, peel, grow, change color or become painful. In any of the above instances, be sure to contact your dermatologist immediately for a full check up. Remember, early diagnosis and treatment along with regular screening is the best way to ensure many happy, healthy summers to come.

Dr. Randy Simor is a medical graduate from the Semmelweis Medical University in Budapest, Hungary, 1999. Since 1999, he has worked continuously within the healthcare industry as a clinical research associate, a consultant for a multi-national pharmaceutical company, and a business development director for one of Budapest's largest private outpatient, one-day surgery clinics. As an entrepreneur, Randy is owner and director of a newly established management company for medical tourism, CARE Ltd. The company primarily focuses on medical tourism for plastic surgery, dental & oral surgery, Laser eye surgery and a wide variety of other diagnostic, surgical and wellness services.

More information can be found at http://www.careinhungary.com

Winter Skin Care

By Unknown

The effect of seasonal weather changes, especially during the winter months, can take a significant toll on your skin. Facial skin ravaged by exposure to the elements can exhibit symptoms of dryness, flaking, itching and even sore, scaly patches. Taking a proactive approach to caring for your skin during these months will help you avoid the worst impact that winter can have on your skin.

First and foremost, your best defense for winter skin care is protection! Even during the winter months, you absolutely need to continue to apply SPF 15 or greater sunscreen when outside. Even though you might think the sun?s effects are diminished during the winter months, nothing could be farther from the truth. The reflection of the sun off snow and ice can be particularly damaging. Wearing a scarf that can be easily pulled up to protect the cheeks and bottom portion of your face is also a helpful preventative measure to limit the skin?s exposure to the elements.

Although it may seem contradictory, dry skin benefits tremendously from exfoliation to help eliminate the flaking skin cells, to smooth the skin?s surface and promote cell rejuvenation. Whether you choose to use a chemical exfoliant such as an AHA product like glycolic acid or a mechanical means such as a facial scrub, incorporating a means of exfoliation into your routine at least a few times a week can dramatically improve dry skin. And for heavens sakes, don?t use any type of astringents or soap. They will only dry out the skin more. Instead, try using a super rich cleanser such as one with a soy or oatmeal ingredient to give your skin a conditioning treatment as you cleanse.

Maintaining the skin?s moisture content during the winter months is also critical. The skin is typically well hydrated after a warm shower or steaming facial. Immediately seal in the moisture with a skin cream rich in emollients. Moisturizers keep the skin conditioned while offering protection against the harsh effects of the cold. The drier the skin becomes, the more frequently a moisturizer should be applied.

To treat any of those very dry, scaly patches that might develop, use a petroleum based product on the affected areas before bed. Believe it or not, plain old Vaseline works wonders on stubborn dry, cracked, and flaking skin. Unfortunately, most people cringe at the idea of using Vaseline on their face, thinking that it will clog pores and, in general, have a negative effect on the skin. In a word- untrue! Vaseline and similar petroleum based products provide a protective, insulating barrier for the skin on those frigid, windy days when applied as a light coat to the face and lips.

Finally, for those irritating patches of skin that persistently plague you despite your best efforts, an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment has significant healing effects on skin that is cracked and sore. For the extremely dry, flaking and itchy spots an OTC hydrocortisone cream can provide both relief from the itching and diminish the dry, flaking symptoms. Please bear in mind that if your condition persists, it is best to consult with a Physician to find the best remedy for your particular skin condition.

Sue Dolan is a researcher and instructor for the http://www.skincareresourcecenter.com which is a Skin Care e-Learning and Resource Center that provides education on anti-aging skin care while focusing on skin rejuvenation strategies, techniques, treatment options and resources for aging skin care issues.

A Today Show appearance by the deputy director of Prevention Magazine, touched upon the real reasons kids and adults struggle to read and answers the questions I have been asking in my books and seminars for years:

  • Is the typical eye chart screening adequate to pick up factors that are certain to cause reading problems?
The answer is no, by both the American Optometric Society and even the Center for Disease Control. Reading is at the core of the learning process, and if you want you or your child to be a better reader, continue reading this article:

Eye chart screenings are not related to reading at near point.

They simply tell you whether you can see a letter 3/8 inch high from 20 feet away, while covering one eye. When was the last time you tried to read a book or report at 20 feet with one eye covered? According to Dr. Glen Steele, eye charts miss up to 60% of vision disorders.

Eyesight and vision are not the same.

Eyesight is the acutity and health of the eye, and vision is the ability to make meaning from what you read and see.

A typical eye exam is not the same as a comprehensive exam.

While a regular eye exam will pick up big problems, the comprehensive eye exam measures things like tracking (essential to reading without losing your place, and tracking a ball in sports), focusing and how the eyes move together.

When your child is first born, their eyes tend to work separately and may wander slightly outward. If, over time, that doesn't naturally correct, you'll find your child complaining of headaches, covering one eye to read, not really wanting to read, or getting tired quickly when reading. Your child may also need to sit right and the front of the classroom to see better.

The action: get a comprehensive vision exam now, and below, there are serveral resources below where you can use to find the doctors who perform those exams.

Jean Ramsey, M.D., director of pediatric opthmology service at Boston Medical Center, says,By the time you're an adult your vision is hardwired, but a child's brain is plastic and changeable. Treatment (for vision disorders) by 8 or 9 may even repair conditions such as lazy eye.

While the American Optometric Society estimates that 1 in 4 children can't see properly,

(notice too that almost 70% of our4th and 8th graders are not reading at grade level) the CDC found that that 60% of children under 6 have never had their eyes checked.

They also found that of school-age children only 20% have had their vision tested by an eyedoctor in the past year.

OK - here's the info you need that is so critical to your child's reading success:

Get your child's eyes checked during infancy (there's a free resource below); and once a year while he or she is in school. The visual demands of school are high, and the stakes of undetected eyesight and even subtle vision problems are even higher.

Make sure that T.V. and computer use is limited, since too much of that, all by itself, may arrest some visual skill development. Get your child outside to play all kinds of games, ride bikes and definitely add sports to the mix.


  • Comprehensive Vision Exams: http://www.covd.org http://www.oep.org
  • For infants - http://www.infantsee.org
Be sure and listen to former President Jimmy Carter on the infantsee website.

  • For more information on why even a former President'sdaughter struggled with unnecessary vision problemsthat affected her school work and how she fixed it:

  • For informative chapters on how to detect and solve your child's reading problems, as well asmore information on practical learning strategies take a look at the best selling book, Learning vs Testing at http://www.howtolearn.com/learningvstesting2.html
Your child's eyes and vision are far too important to take forgranted. You have no idea how the world looks through their eyes and if you want reading and learning to be faster and easier, now is the time to act. Don't rely on the eye chart in the typical school vision screening.

Pat Wyman is a the best selling author of Learning vs Testing, international consultant and learning expert on Instant Learning, and founder of the number 1 Instant Learning site on the web, http://www.HowtoLearn.com

She has appeared on more than 300 radio and T.V. programs, had her work featured in such publications as Family Circle, Woman's World and Nickelodeon's Nick Jr. Family Magazine, and regularly conducts coaching seminars on faster learning. She e-mails her Instant Learning newsletters to over 250,000 subscribers each week.

I was born in 1927; therefore my ?growing up years? were during the 1930?s, when I was an adolescent, and the 1940?s, when I became a teenager. As you know, the 1930?s were what are known as the years of the ?Great Depression.? Immediately following the depression were those never to be forgotten, turbulent war years of World War II.

During the years of the depression, my family struggled, along with all of our neighbors, to live happy lives with very little money. One major result of living without money was this: we used whatever cash-money we had for necessities only, like: food, clothing and shoes.

Back then, even minor care of our teeth was out of the question. I can remember brushing my teeth with salt water instead of toothpaste simply because salt was cheaper than toothpaste. My mother had bad teeth. My father had bad teeth. I had bad teeth and so did my two brothers and sister. In short, except for the brushing, professional oral hygiene was something we just could not afford. Since then, dentures have become a part of my life and the lives of many other ?depression kids? like us.

Today, a host of doctors, dentists and other oral specialists have discovered the lack of proper oral care can have serious, even life threatening consequences. There are risks such as: heart disease, gum infection, stroke, diabetes, respiratory concerns and other general health problems. These researchers say common and often chronic infections that originate in the mouth, have been known to spread, through the bloodstream, to many other parts of the body including the heart and lungs. In addition, people with periodontal disease can also suffer coronary artery disease and more.

After I had all of my bad upper teeth removed and an upper denture inserted in my mouth, my first reaction was one of joy and relief. It actually felt good to be able to chew food properly - with no pain. I remember, thinking the problems and pain I?d always had with my bad teeth was now a thing of the past. Not so.

Within a year or so, my now toothless gums began to shrink with the result that my denture became loose and then, as time went on, simply chewing food, with my denture in my mouth, again became painful and much more difficult. My dentist said gum shrinkage after tooth extraction was to be expected. He went on to say he could fix the problem by re-lining my denture. Re-lining meant adding acrylic material to my denture to fill the gaps left by the gum shrinkage. After that was done, I had several more related dental appointments when my dentist made more adjustments to take away the high spots in the denture that were the source of quite painful, raw sores on my gums. Needless to say, all of this proved to be quite expensive. That is when I said to myself: ?Terry, there has to be a better way!?

So then, my naturally creative and inventive mind went to work on the problem. After much thought and experimentation I came up with the idea for my patent pending invention the: Weber Denture Liner Kit.

This is a new way anyone can use to reline his or her loose dentures. No costly dentist appointments needed. This is an easy to use kit designed to quickly, easily and inexpensively make any uncomfortable or loose denture fit much better.

The Weber Denture Liner kit has an always-soft and finger-moldable liner compound which is durable and easily replaceable (no mixing required). The kit is designed to make false teeth much more comfortable as well as a good way to also have better oral hygiene and thus, according to researchers, a healthier life in the days ahead.

In short, I can attribute my invention of this low-cost do-it-yourself Weber Denture Liner kit for the re-lining of dentures to the lessons I learned years ago as a depression kid. What were those lessons? First, do the best you can with what you have and second, to do it now. Obviously, the result of my experience is this, I am now truly convinced of this fact: your mouth is a gateway to your good health.

If you want to learn more about my denture liner kit please look at my webesite =>www.yrret.stirsite.com

Terry Weber is a retired advertising/direct mail sales letter copywriter and inventor of several useful items. Terry and his wife Doris are Habitat For Humanity, RV Care-A- Vanners who, for the past eight years have volunteered to help build more than 39 houses all over the USA. They travel to and from the 2- week long builds in their RV. The money they make on their Crafty-Ones website helps them pay their expenses to and from those volunteer Habitat builds.

P.S. Due to the high cost of gasoline we can no longer afford to drive the RV to Habitat builds. The RV is parked until gasoline prices come down. (4/28/06)

When you want to look and feel your best, sometimes you need a little help from one of the best skin care products on the market.

When looking for a skin care product, you may want to find something that will not only leave your skin feeling clean, but moisturize the skin as well.

Some of the best skin care products on the market are in the form of a face cleanser, lotion, or moisturizer.

When it comes to face care products, you should know there are a variety of price ranges and quality that are available for a consumer working with any type of budget.

Below you will find a list of some of the best skin care products that are broken up into different categories.

Face Cleansers The next time you are at a drugstore, don?t forget to pick up Cetaphil, a product recommended by dermatologists. This item does not contain chemical or scents that create irritated skin.

When looking for the best skin care product containing shea butter, you may want to look into Clarin Gentle Foaming Cleanser, which also leaves the skin moisturized.

If you have oily skin, some of the best skin care products to combat this particular appearance, includes Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash, which is soap and oil-free.

Other selections include Clinique Wash-Away Gel Cleanser and the Lancome Clarifance Oil-Free Gel Cleanser.

For normal to combination skin, Dove Essential Nutrients self-foaming cleanser takes care of oil, as well as removes dead skin cells.

Looking for an aromatherapy cleanser? Bloom Facial Cleaners contain the fragrant scent of lavender and grapefruit oils.

Working with sensitive skin? The inexpensive Avon Clear Skin Foaming Cleanser is a gentle option, as well as the moderately priced Aveda All-Sensitive Cleanser.

One of the best skin care products for blemished skin is the popular Neutrogena Pore-Refining Cleanser, which does not dry out the skin.

If money is no option, you may want to try out the Murad Acne Kit for $60, which offers a cleanser, pore-cleansing gel, exfoliating lotion, as well as spot treatment.

Moisturizers The moisturizer that is perfect for you should never irritate or create burning sensations on the skin. When applied, it should feel smooth, smell good, and feel good.

Some of the best skin care products are those that have passed the tests of dermatologists, as well as an assortment of opinions from the top of the health and beauty world.

If you have dry skin, some of the ingredients to seek out in your moisturizer include glycerin, dimethicone, as well as hyaluronic acid.

Dove Sensitive Essential Day Lotion is light and void of scents or dyes.

Looking for a great product with natural ingredients? Check out the Lancome Absolute Night Treatment, which contains sea algae, soy and wild yam extract. An expensive choice in this category is called Cr?me de la Mer, which is considered one of the best.

Oily skin consumers should look for products that are oil-free, as well as non-pore clogging. They may find a solution within choices such as Olay Complete All Day Moisture Lotion UV Defense Combination/Oily, Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisturizer SPF 15, and Lorac Oil-free Moisturizer.

A gel formula is the best bet for consumers who have normal/combination skin. Some of the best skin care products for this type of skin includes Aveeno Positively Smooth Facial Moisturizer and Clarins Hydration-Plus Moisture Lotion SPF 15.

More skin care products information and FREE exclusive diet and health magazines, are available on our web site: http://www.net-planet.org

Produced under the brand name Accutane, isotretinoin is a medication taken orally for 15-20 weeks. Accutane, or isotretinoin, is a Vitamin A derivative that is prescribed to people suffering from severe acne vulgaris, or nodular acne. Results of Accutane treatments have shown total clear-up of severe acne conditions and, in many cases, an extended remission period of the occurrence of acne.

Accutane works by reducing the amount of oil that the skin?s oil glands produce.

While Accutane achieves desired effects in many acne sufferers, it is a powerful drug and one that should be used with caution and consideration. Before deciding to take Accutane, talk with your dermatologist about the uses for this medicine, the precautions one should take while using it, and the health risks and side effects associated with it.

Accutane should be taken exactly as directed. If there is any part of the directions for taking Accutane that you do not understand, talk with your doctor about the questions you have.

You may not notice any improvement in the condition of your acne until you have been taking Accutane for 4-6 weeks. In fact, you acne may actually be aggravated during the first few weeks of Accutane treatment. Your acne should improve drastically, however, within 15-20 weeks of treatment.

There are many common side effects associated with Accutane. If you are experiencing these side effects for a prolonged period of time, tell your dermatologist. You should also talk with your dermatologist if you feel that the side effects are not easing up or if they are particularly severe.

The common side effects associated with Accutane include:

?cracked, red, sore lips
?dry, itchy, red, inflamed eyes
?dry and irritated mouth and nose
?dry and irritated skin
?thinning hair
?fatigue and low energy

There are other less common and more dangerous side effects associated with Accutane treatment. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms:

?pain in the bones or joints
?pain in the chest
?stomach pain
?problems with vision
?difficulty breathing
?difficulty swallowing
?difficulty hearing
?ringing in the ears
?difficulty walking
?bleeding from the rectum
?red patches on the skin
?peeling skin
?infections in the skin
?severe diarrhea
?aching muscles
?feelings of depression
?suicidal thoughts
?dementia or hallucination

When taking Accutane, you should also exercise extreme caution when operating a vehicle, because the medication can affect night vision. Do not donate blood while taking Accutane.

Women who are pregnant or who might become pregnant should not take Accutane. Accutane is associated with a high risk of deformity in infants developing during the pregnancy of women taking Accutane.

Because Accutane can cause severe sensitivity to sunlight, you should avoid direct sunlight while taking Accutane. If you must be in the sun, cover your skin with clothing and sunscreen. You should also protect your eyes with sunglasses.

Accutane also increases the amount of fats in your blood. While taking Accutane you should avoid eating fatty foods. You should also curb your alcohol consumption while undergoing Accutane treatment.

Greg Podsakoff is a former acne sufferer, and currently provides information on treating acne, pimples, and zits, via an objective informational skincare website, http://www.acne-treatments-guide.com

Like many abusive relationships, America?s love affair with the sun is littered with the wrecks of romantic images. From Coco Chanel?s Deauville glow to Farah Fawcett?s sun-kissed skin, bronzed beauty was de rigueur for generations?until scientists in the 1980s exposed it as a destructive trend with irreversible, DNA-altering effects.

?Photodamage and skin cancer can, in part, be attributed to the belief that tans are fashionable,? says Dr. Andrea Lynn Cambio, a New York?based dermatologist and fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Equally insidious is ?the notion that having a tan is being healthy,? notes Dr. Alison Ehrlich, director of clinical research and assistant dermatology professor at George Washington University. The fact is, a ?healthy? glow is anything but; it?s the visible manifestation of skin damage.

Light Trap
Today some Americans are still lost in a tan warp, but most are aware of the sun?s dangers, including burning, premature aging, and skin cancer. Sunscreen sales are at an all-time high, but so too are rates of UV-related illnesses. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 1 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the United States each year. The depleting ozone layer, earlier detection, and the aging population have all been cited as factors, but many dermatologists believe the greatest culprit is human behavior?the fact that people aren?t adequately protecting themselves.

?Many people believe the myth that sunscreen allows them to stay outside all day without accumulating sun damage,? says Dr. Susan Sweeney, fellow of pediatric dermatology and dermatologic surgery at UMass Memorial Health Center. Although it?s important to wear sunscreen, she also stresses that these products offer just one layer of defense. Moreover?and contrary to what?s often printed on product labels?dermatologists emphasize that there?s no such thing as ?sunblock.? And similarly, no sunscreen is capable of guaranteeing all-day protection; even a sweat- or water-resistant formula must be applied repeatedly over the course of the day.

Equally unsettling is the fact that most people select a sunscreen based solely on its SPF (sun-protection factor)?a number that only tells part of the story. According to Sweeney, ?SPF refers only to protection from UVB light? (the wavelengths that are primarily responsible for sunburn). Although scientists once believed that UVB was the sole wavelength to blame for long-term skin damage, studies have now shown that UVA is also a dangerous carcinogen.

Saving Your Skin
There?s no safe haven from the sun (even daylight in indoor spaces can be harmful). But with a little diligence and a preventative plan, you can take significant steps toward safeguarding your skin.
Broaden your horizons: ?Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with both UVB and UVA protection, an SPF of 15 or higher, and ingredients such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, which scatter and absorb UV light,? Cambio suggests. According to Sweeney, sunscreens that contain avobenzone (Parsol 1789), such as Jan Marini Antioxidant Daily Face Protectant SPF 30, may also be helpful in protecting against UVA rays.
An ounce of prevention: All too often, people don?t apply enough sunscreen for the product to be effective, or they opt to spot-protect just their faces or shoulders. Sweeney recommends using at least a full ounce of sunscreen to cover the entire body.
Make it a habit: ?Many people remember to wear sunscreen at the beach, but they should be wearing it every day,? says Sweeney. For best results, incorporate it into your morning routine.
Over and over: Because sunscreen loses its efficacy throughout the day, it must be smeared on again and again. ?Apply it 30 minutes prior to exposure, then reapply every two to four hours,? says Ehrlich.
Run for cover: Clothing, hats, and sunglasses are potential lifesavers outdoors, Ehrlich explains. If you?ll be outside for an extended period of time, Cambio suggests seeking out shady areas.
Watch the clock: The best way to screen out the sun is to circumvent it, especially during peak exposure times (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). When possible, Cambio recommends avoiding the midday sun.

Safer Screening
Today's sunscreens are giving women what they want?greaseless, broad-spectrum protection in clever, convenient packages. In some cases, they?re even doing double duty as moisturizer, foundation, or lip gloss.

For lightweight, full-body coverage, try Phytomer Og?nAge Protective Anti-Aging Cream Sunscreen SPF 30, Hampton Sun SPF 30 Lotion, or Clinique UV Response Cream SPF 50. For faces, look for vitamin-rich formulas that moisturize and protect, such as Cellex-C Sun Care SPF 30, MD Formulations Total Protector SPF 30, or Clinique Super City Block Oil-Free Daily Face Protector SPF 40. To protect the delicate skin around the eyes, try a specially formulated sunscreen such as Carita Paris Eye Control Suncare SPF 15 or Clarins Sun Wrinkle Control Eye Contour Care; for lips, BeneFit and Kiehl?s each offer SPF moisturizing lip balms in sheer and tinted formulas. And for a safe sun-kissed look, self-tanners such as Biotherm Sunfitness Protective Self-Tanner Tinted Cream SPF 15 impart an instant-gratification glow, while DuWop Revolution Tinted Body Moisturizer with Shimmer SPF 15 offers both UV protection and a hint of sparkle.

Tara Mattarazzo is the editor-in-chief of Beauty Addict Magazine http://beautyaddictmag.com For more articles on beauty, hair care, skin care, makeup, fashion, shopping, fitness, women's health, and more, visit Beauty Addict Magazine at: http://beautyaddictmag.com/

I had no idea what a can of worms (or ?germs,? more literally) I would open as I set out to determine the most politically correct title for a new page on my website. It began with what I thought would be a quick definition look up on the internet and turned into an all night study.

My starting premise about the type of health care one would consider ?the real health care? was formed during childhood, and based on brief medically related snapshots such as these:

From my four-year-old perspective, it seemed that our family doctor?s concern over my allergic reaction to the miracle drug Penicillin meant that I was living in great danger. So concerned was the doctor, I was denied the experience of attending Kindergarten. (Apparently there aren?t as many germs in first grade.)

The next medical memory was made a few years later. That time however, I was present at a school, along with the entire community. We had come as families to wait in line for our sugar cubes on a Saturday morning. The sense of relief and security was evident with each family as they received and swallowed their cubes of vaccination against the polio virus and threat of a future in an iron lung.

Now, put my childhood memories together with the fact that I tend to be a real left-brain thinker (compartmentalized facts, details, logic - rather than getting the big picture first). I think you will begin to understand why I embraced what is now most commonly known as conventional practice as ?real health care?.

You know the conventional medicine I?m referring to - you get ?sick,? go to the doctor, have some pills prescribed, take them, suffer through any ill-side effects, and get ?well? within a week. Perhaps conventional medicine was easy to accept because we didn?t have to work at anything, like learning to take better care of ourselves in the first place, or worry about who to blame when we became too sick to repair.

I knew that not everyone would be as comfortable as I was in omitting alternative medicine from the ?real health care? category. Therefore, I was not surprised when the search engine results for definitions of ?holistic,? ?natural,? and ?alternative? medicine revealed a trail of controversy between two schools of thought.

What I was shocked to find is that this trail of controversy is not a ?new age? split in thinking; but rather it leads to France, dives back into the late 1800s, and begins with two men of science.

The name I recognized was that of Louis Pasteur. Pasteur did pioneering work for decades in many aspects of biomedicine. This brought him both accolades and lots of strong criticism from his peers, although he remained a relative unknown to the world at large until he came up with a treatment for rabies in the mid 1880s.

The other man, Antoine Bechamp, was also an active researcher and biologist. He taught in universities and medical schools, and was widely published on cell biology, disease, botany and related subjects.

While both Pasteur and Bechamp studied cellular biology and it?s relation to disease, they worked with markedly different theories.

Pasteur believed that the basic unit of any organic life is the cell, and that cells are aseptic. In other words, disease comes from micro-organisms (germs) outside the body. He felt that germs are designed to do one thing and one thing only: to cause a particular disease; and that every disease is associated with a particular germ.

Pasteur apparently gave no regard to the condition of area of the disease or of the person, in regard to the likelihood of a disease striking them. His narrow focus led him to believe that to cure a specific disease a specific defense would have to be created ? by finding a drug that would kill off the germs without killing the patient.

Bechamp saw a bigger picture, and noted the ?nanobe? as the basic unit of organic life, a unit with the capability of change. He believed that diseases come from micro-organisms (germs) within the body.

Normally these germs would be working to build and help the processes of the body, but when the body or a portion of it dies or is injured ? either chemically or mechanically ? the germs stop what they are doing and change to help in the disintegration (getting rid) of the injured area.

More poetically put, his work showed that diseases are always processes of rescue or repair -- and life; and are only serious when the medium is in poor condition to start. The conclusion from Bechamp?s work is that disease is built by unhealthy conditions and that to prevent disease we have to create health.

So we see here in two different men of the same era, both members of the French Academy of Science, the very basis for the two schools of thought on health care.

Conventional Medicine, which positions us somewhat like sitting ducks at the mercy of random raging germs and focuses on beating back each illness or disease after the fact, is to a large degree based on the work and conclusions of Louis Pasteur.

The studies and findings of Antoine Bechamp are the scientific root of what has come to be commonly known as Alternative Medicine. Here's the concept: get the body healthy, keep it healthy, and facilitate the body's work as its own best defense to prevent or cure disease.

When I saw it stated in those terms, I must admit that a signal went off in my logical left brain.

I read further and found that Pasteur critics believe that his overshadowing of Bechamp?s work is due to his ?genius of publicity and public relations.? Some have gone further, citing Pasteur?s own lab notes (released only after his grandson died in 1975) to deem him a ?fake scientist,? and accuse him of stealing ideas (mainly from Bechamp), falsifying experimental data, and making claims which had no basis in fact.

At this point I?m beginning to believe that my left brain has been duped into following accepted customs in health care that have little to do with science or logic. My right brain, in this case, agrees by deeply resonating with Antoine Bechamp?s thoughts on Pasteur?s theory ?

The [Pasteur theory is monstrous fatalistic doctrine which suppose that at the origin of the things, God would have created the germs of the microbes intended to return to us sick ~ Professor Antoine Bechamp

Footnote: Louis Pasteur, who avoided handshakes due to his fear of germs, died of a stroke at age 46. Antoine Bechamp was still clear on his theory and giving interviews until weeks before his natural death at age 93.

Want your health benefits company to cut your cost on all types of health care whether conventional, alternative, natural, or holistic? Send your request for a complimentary brochure to brochure@4-health-benefits.com. Bev Van Engelen Brett has over 17 years experience working with patients as a health care technician, and now specializes in helping people obtain quality health and dental care at significant discounts. Visit her website http://www.4-health-benefits.com/ for details. If you wish to publish this article, it must be published in it?s entirety along with active links and this resource box.

At some point in most of our lives, we?ve all pondered on this question: When it is time to consult a dermatologist? Although there?s no definitive answer to the question, there are several indicators that should trigger someone to make their decision. Teenagers with acne, for instance, may have a difficult time dealing with teen acne. Although this type of acne is hormonal, and usually passes, it can get very severe. If you are a teenager or are the parents of a teenager with mild to severe acne, it may be time to consult a dermatologist. Especially if you notice acne scars related to inflamed acne, or redness and swelling which cause acne scars. The idea is to consult a dermatologist before or at the sight of an acne scar.

But teenagers aren?t the only ones who face acne problems. Adults too, struggle with acne of various different reasons. Acne during pregnancy is quote common, as is acne during sickness, acne during hormonal imbalance, acne from poor hygienic habits, and hereditary acne. Should you consult a dermatologist? What type of acne indicates when a dermatologist is needed? It really depends on the severity of the matter. If your acne is out of control, painful, scarring, or very red, you may opt to consult a dermatologist. Especially if the acne problem is ongoing. Now if you just noticed an isolated pimple on your face for the first time, chances are no, you do not need the professional services of acne treatment from a dermatologist.

Acne solutions should be sought after prior to deciding on the services of a dermatologist. Is there something that you can do to control your acne? Are you doing something to contribute to white heads, blackheads, or acne outbreaks? Most likely not. Acne is caused by a buildup of oil and dirt in the skin pores, most often caused by DHT in the skin. Hormonal changes can cause an increase in DHT buildup, which causes the pore to secrete more oils. Once the pore becomes completely clogged, bacteria sets in and the blackhead is created. To combat against this, find an acne solution that attacks the buildup of DHT, and thus lowers the amount of excess oil produced in the oils, thereby eliminating the clogged pore over time.

Start thinking of your facial acne as a warning sign. Remember, a dermatologist is your last solution for an acne problem. Only you can be the judge of how light, mild, or severe your acne is. After that, it?s time to get proactive.

Jen Carter is team member for Clearogen, a new acne treatment created by Board Certified Dermatologist Dr Alex Khadavi, designed to attack the root causes of teenage and adult acne instead of simply addressing the symptoms. Visit http://www.clearogen.com.

We spend 2-3 times as much on our healthcare as most of the countries that now have ?socialized medicine?. Yet, every country with socialized medicine has much better overall health statistics. As a matter fact, we are hovering around 32nd in the world. Even some ?third world? countries are ahead of us.

How can this be? The richest country in the world, spending more than any other country, yet the health is one of the worst! What?s wrong? How have we come to this state of affairs?

There are a variety of reasons. Let?s look at some of these, and look at the alternate answer:

1. There?s a lot of talk about 40-50 million ?uninsured? people in the US. ?Uninsured? doesn?t mean that they aren?t taken care of. No Emergency Room can turn down anyone who comes for ?treatment?. (Although many hospitals try to shift ?poor? people to county or state facilities for profits sake.)

There?s also Medicaid for the very poor. But, that still leaves the great majority of ?uninsured? swinging in the wind. They make just a little too much money to qualify for Medicaid, or the state they live in has run out of money and facilities. (Under the Bush Administration, the cuts in Medicaid have limited this coverage in virtually every state.) A severe medical problem bankrupts many of these families every year.

Who pays for Medicare and Emergency visits? The usual - US taxpayers! So, like it or not, we already have a ?sort of? socialized medicine.

By the way, when did the phrase ?socialized medicine? become a bad phrase? (Was it another ?spin? fostered by ?vested interests??) How often have you heard ?just ask a Canadian about their socialized medicine??

Ask 100 persons from any country(s) that has socialized medicine two questions: ?How do you like it?? and ?Would you like to get rid of it?.

The answers to the first question are often a lot of individual complaining. Yet, the answer to the second question is an overwhelming ?Never?. Could this dichotomy be the reason that so many people in the US ?think? that socialized medicine is bad - those ?bitching? (and very human) answers. Most people ask only the first question, NOT the second. I?ve asked both, and have yet to find a Canadian or a Brit who answers ?yes? to the second question, but many, or most, will find something to complain about.

Isn?t it interesting that all the ?civilized industrial nations? in Europe and elsewhere have some version of socialized medicine? Even in almost bankrupt Russia and Georgia, healthcare is free to all. And, even their health statistics are better than ours. (FYI, they also subsidize any ?bright? student all the way to a ?doctorate? if they are smart enough. College tuition in the US is prohibitively high for mid and low income families - are we wasting a major resource? You bet!)

2. Why is our health care costing so much? Simple - the insurance companies are running it. They make huge profits for this ?service?. Cut out the middleman - the insurance companies, and cut the costs by an impartial estimate between a third and a half!

What other benefits would this have? Doctors would have more time to talk to patients, and spend less time, and office staff filling out forms to get paid. When was the last time your MD spent more than 2 minutes with you?

Let?s not overlook the fact that prevention is always better than catastrophe! All too often, when a poor person winds up in an Emergency Room, the cost of their problem is much more than it would be if that person had had insurance that allowed doctor visits to head off catastrophe with some prevention. This is a major factor favoring socialized medicine.

There?s still another factor in this equation. Malpractice insurance (more profits to insurance companies)! We do need to limit this. Some formulas have to be developed for how much any doctor can be sued for. And, medical boards need to oversee MD?s (and their mistakes) much closer. Doctors do make mistakes! And, the injured have a right to be compensated for such! What do the other countries do about this problem? Has anyone made any study of this?

3. There is another often overlooked problem. We, as a nation, have a terrible diet! We eat ?fast foods? way too often. We eat too few ?healthy foods?, and too many ?high carbohydrate? foods. The statistics show clearly that a poor diet on the part of a mother results in a baby that is not nearly as healthy as it should be.

Take a look at some ?poor? natives of African countries in photographs. Look especially at the wide mouths full of very strong, very even, teeth. Compare this to the US ?standard? of two very prominent front teeth, a high narrow arch to the roof of the mouth, and crowding of the rest of the teeth. Dr Von Hilsheimer of Maitland Florida wrote a book years ago detailing the various ?abnormalities? and ?anomalies? of children of poor diet mothers. There is a definite correlation between these children and increasing allergy and sensitivity in our children

Recently I read a very interesting article about a school that changed the diets of the attending students, and by this simple change only, the entire attitude and moral outlook of the students was changed. It was very simple! They took out all the soda machines, and replaced them with water fountains. They eliminated hamburgers and fries, and similar poor diet foods, and emphasized fruits and veggies. Lo, and behold, the school which had previously been shunned by teachers because of unruly students was completely changed! Students were calm, quiet, and learned more and better than other schools in the area. Acts of violence or vandalism were eliminated. There are several other similar studies which school boards do not pay enough attention to.

As a result of our overall ?poor? diet, we, as a nation, get sick more often than other countries. This adds to the cost of healthcare tremendously in this country.

4. The American Medical Assn, one of the strongest unions in the world, backed up by the huge drug industry (Big Pharma), and the insurance industry have the power and the money to ?buy? enough politicians to prevent any ?reasonable? health plan. Bill and Hilary Clinton found this out in his first year in office. There?s so much money involved, it may be impossible to even get anything done except a ?Band-Aid? on the cancer.

What can we, as individuals, do? Start asking the politicians we elect what their previous votes have been, and what their future votes will be on these questions. Vote for those who will vote for at least a form of socialized medicine. And throw out the other rascals. Our votes are powerful, and we need to use them wisely.

Phil Bate PhD - Retired Orthomolecular Psychologist
Inventor and Patent Pending Holder for
Brain Wave Amplitude Changing via Auditory Training